Please fix the forum

I do not like having to spend 30 minutes revising every post because the forum filter blocks posts that are more than one sentence long or contains punctuation that is not a period.
Hey there! I'm curious to know if it's tossing you some sort of message as to why the posts are being blocked. It sounds like it may be catching things as spam based on your description, but I'd love to look into this.
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"Every post" was an over-exaggeration on my part.
If I try to post a new thread that gets hit by the filter, I get the generic "Your discussion will appear after it is approved." and it is put into my drafts. There is zero feedback for comments because "Post Comment" dumps a bunch of javascript errors into the browser console and nothing happens on screen. The way to tell if something is posted is to refresh and see if the comment exists or became a draft.
I definitely hit the comment flood limit from time to time (also with no indicators) while testing my revised posts in the Groups section but that restriction goes away quickly.
Edit. Links section removed from this post.
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Examples of post revision comments that did make it through the filter.
- Three individual sentences at the start that were accepted on their own were being blocked when posted together.
- It was two statements containing dates then a question.
- Was initially rejected but the original comment later appeared after my edited comment was posted.
- I have had another double post occur several hours after my comment went through but a mod quickly removed the duplicate.
- Was being rejected until I removed a comma.
- I believe I also had a comment blocked because I put a colon before a list but I can't find it.
- The comment went through once I put every sentence on a new line.
- I think this is an issue with numbers and dates again.
Edit. These actually aren't edits because the edit button is also broken and dumps javascript errors into the console. They are extra remarks I add on revision attempts. This post's revision was that I was not allowed to put two sentences on the same line within the list or post untrimmed comment links.
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I realize that some of these blocked posts may be related to the javascript errors and not any forum filters. I'll take some screenshots and submit a support ticket with the site issues I have encountered.
- Polls cannot have a second option added.
- Comments cannot be edited
- The avatar selector is broken unless you manually edit the styles in the browser console.
- Blocked comments may or may not just be drafts that failed to be submitted.
- "Post Comment" does nothing beyond graying out.
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Thank you so much for this detailed explanation of this. From my end, I've experienced a few of these and would love to get to a resolution. Please let me know when you send in the support ticket as I'd very much love to see the screenshots attached.
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It is ticket number 1271714.
The screenshots included with the ticket are the errors that are outputted on my browser console.
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Thank you so much!
I reviewed the screenshots and will be looking into this further. Thank you for your patience and for bringing this to our attention.