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So none of my cards migrated to TCGLive

Not a single card migrated from my PTCGO account. I can still access my PTCGO account and all my cards are still there, which from my understanding, means the migration process didn't successfully work

I'm don't know how to try to migrate again, or if I can try it again, but I'd love to have my cards migrated before PTCGO shuts down




  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    You can migrate via the options menu in game, and it'll ask you to migrate every time you log in. I recommend holding off though. The game is in an early alpha state at the moment.

  • Iamgreat34
    Iamgreat34 Member Posts: 2
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  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    I see that you're speechless.

  • Anav13
    Anav13 Member Posts: 3
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  • Anav13
    Anav13 Member Posts: 3
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    Yes, this happened to me as well. I can't access my PTCGO account after migrating. 2000 of my cards are there and I'd like to be able to access them. Do you have any tips?

  • Anav13
    Anav13 Member Posts: 3
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    Yes, this happened to me as well. I can't access my PTCGO account after migrating. 2000 of my cards are there and I'd like to be able to access them. Do you have any tips?

  • SPDK
    SPDK Member Posts: 16

    I've lost many of my Standard format cards when I migrated to Live!! And what about the Legacy and Expanded format cards??? Not one single of these cards followed me. Im pretty much down now...sad

  • lucasjkr
    lucasjkr Member Posts: 2
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    Many of my cards are gone. All my decks are gone. And I can't even go back to TCG.

    It's been fun everyone, but unless they fix this mess soon, I'm done. I spent so much time and money, I'm not about to start over from scratch

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    @lucasjkr @SPDK You should have read the FAQ. Decklists and HGSS/Legacy cards don't transfer. This has been known since September 2021.

  • Sunward222
    Sunward222 Member Posts: 8
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    I lost SO MANY of my cards. You can not make me miss the fact that they TOOK my Master Ball Ace Trainer card with some Flying Pikachu. I am very upset. None of my decks moved over, and I am missing many of my cards. I am nearly in tears. I have spent years on my online collection and I now feel like it was a waste. I wholeheartedly regret migrating my account and wish I could take it back. I just want my master ball back.