Functions to Combat Possible Toxic Behavior

Hi devs, recently I met a player who spammed the "thumbs down" emote throughout the game. That's where I realized this game does not have functions to combat these type of toxic behaviors compared to other card games.
Some suggestions are:
1) Mute button to mute the other player's emotes, this can prevent them from spamming emotes.
2) Report button to report toxic / offensive behaviors or names.
Anyone who has any other suggestions feel free to add on to this list.
its sadly in every game online, the only thing we can do is ignore it. (well at least its still beter than that people can text toxic behaviour)
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I'm in Poke League, and am getting a lot of players (2 in a row just a minute ago, actually) that purposely draw out the game by ending their turn just before they time out their turn (which takes about 60-90 seconds) once they know they are losing. I even have the Screen Name of one of the players who did it committed to memory. I'm seriously considering posting that player's name here regardless of the rules (which I have not read yet, but I assume public defamation, although deserved, is a warnable offense, like other similar games, such as PTCGO), because this guy REALLY irked me. I ended up being patient enough that he conceded after 6 and a half minutes of doing it, but it was hard, I'm telling you.
By the way, I know that he was doing it on purpose, because 2 turns into doing it he emoted with double thumbs up. >.>
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I don't understand how there isn't even an option for muting toxic players.
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I agree it's not very appropriate/nice / and it's annoying sitting there spamming them for 30 seconds at a time till the time gets low. You need to add a shut-off button like in the original app so if people are abusing it they cant use it from the other players' choice. I know The pokemon company is hiring challenged people nowadays but come one look at the old version it's 100% better.
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Fully agree, or an option to turn off the animations so nothing displays.