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Pokémon TCG Live 1.3.1 Update Issues - *UPDATED 12/22/22*



  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
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    happy with the state of the game?

    It's fine. A bug made things worse for a bit recently. It'll be fixed. It's beta software, it's going to happen from time to time.

    Do you think that it's ready for public consumption?

    As a beta? Yes. As released software? No. Guess why it's the former and not the latter.

    Are you happy with the progress made by the development in 2022?

    I have seen noticeable improvements through the year, and they focus on what people complain about most. In fact I think they focus on that too much. People hate the look of the game most, so they put more time towards that than fixing things, which I think is backwards, but I can't help that that is the feedback they received. The player base has chosen that unfortunate path.

    Are you happy with the communication from the development team?

    I would prefer more communication, but it's not like there is much to say other than what they have said. I'd rather know estimated milestones, roadmaps, and priorities, but you don't really get any of that from stuff like this anyway because users see them as commitments rather than estimates, so it's safer to avoid.

    As a software developer who has also worked on a Pokemon simulator until the toxicity of its users made me leave, we dealt with the same kind of bugs because making an engine for this game is hard. But people only whined about things not working. Since we developers didn't have a Support buffer we had to deal with the constant abuse ourselves. I can't speak for all of us, but I wouldn't be surprised if the other developers for that simulator also stopped working on the project much at all because of that constant abuse.

    You have literally no idea what goes into writing the code, and we had open source parts people could help with but refused to and continued to complain instead of learn for themselves how to fix the simple issues. So I'm definitely 100% biased here as well.

  • Fox13096
    Fox13096 Member Posts: 35
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    @jon11w My point is that there were plenty of things to tell you that you would not be able to play TCGOnline if you migrated your data. Like I said, I'm pretty sure there was a warning issued when you linked your account. You can't complain when you didn't read it/look into it first.

    And honestly, yes, I am fairly satisfied with the condition that the game is in. I rarely have bugs, and they aren't bad enough to totally wreck the game when they occur. Plenty of games have bugs come and go with updates. Beta might have been around for a long time, but that still does not excuse complaining about a game that you know to still be in beta coming in. So what if they are taking a while? If you're mad, you can just wait for release or play another game.

  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
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    Also @Flagrama your comment about software releases is hilarious - you've clearly just googled it. A game going gold means it's printed to disc and shipped, or nowadays it's just the final version that is pushed to digital storefronts. So a game may have a beta, make changes based on any discoveries, and then go gold.

  • EmpresPalpatina
    EmpresPalpatina Member Posts: 12
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    Mister-Burkes, I would love to get points back due to the glitches. I am playing with a deck that relies heavily on attaching energy from my discard and my deck. When the update came, I could not do either without my game freezing. Since then the patch that the developers made seems to be working, but I still lost quite a few games in that time before the patch. However, I really don’t expect too much compensation, because we are beta testing. It would be nice to get the points back, but I am not counting on that happening.

  • Clear_ZERO
    Clear_ZERO Member Posts: 23
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    I mean, it doesn't matter in the end if you like it or not.

    the FAQ clearly says, once you hit yes migrate, you can't go back.

  • lvlrAdam
    lvlrAdam Member Posts: 96 ✭✭
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    I'm here to add that a majority of my freeze up problems happen while playing the ranked ladder and not casual games. Makes no sense but that's my experience. Also,most of the time when mew v is playing, it freezes.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Theoraclecity This isn't the first time that it's been found that an issue that happens on the public servers doesn't show up on their test servers, unfortunately. So they test, but there's a flaw in their testing procedures. In this case, now that we know more about what's going on, it's a bit more forgivable. The glitch causes a massive desync and is intermittent, so it's believable that they'd have missed it if they don't test extremely thoroughly or only test new features and targeted bugs.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Fox13096 @Flagrama Okay, then, so question: Do you feel the game on-track to be stable enough for release in late March?

  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
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    @jon11w That's what I said? I wasn't using game terminology because Live isn't being developed like a game, but like a service software.

  • Fox13096
    Fox13096 Member Posts: 35
    10 Comments First Answer 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    @TechHog Yes, I do.