Cooldown moves bug/unintended game mechanic.

If you switch a Pokémon on cooldown from a move (EX: Zacian V with Brave Blade) the cooldown is skipped, and you can use the move multiple times in a row.
This is intended behavior. Not being able to attack on the next turn is an effect on the Pokemon, and all effects on a Pokemon are removed when they move to the bench. This includes more obvious things such as status effects (poison, sleep, paralysis, burn, confusion), but it also includes other effects such as the "can't attack the next turn" restrictions and even positive effects such as "next turn this attack does X more damage".
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I experienced this exploit of the game rules when I was playing against a Zacian/Zamazenta deck. It is rather frustrating, but it is a good strategy. Like Sakura said, I always forget that effects are not just the status conditions. I have actually lost quite a few games, because I forget how effects work and cannot combat my opponent.
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I don't think whether I made a mistake in mentioning the developers is relevant. It clearly wasn't my main point. My main point was that the mechanic of effects would be a pretty major thing to change in the game for one card. If you don't understand just insert [whoever designs the game and controls its rules] instead of developers.
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@EmpresPalpatina @Fox13096 Well, there's also the fact that it would break the game by making "this Pokemon is KO'd next turn" effects unavoidable...