Pokemon SV Completion

Hey, I'm a FULL Pokemon SV finisher, but I need something to keep me busy while they remake Gen 5. Anybody have ideas?
Start playing and training for competitive.
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@Bwismar, Could you get all the Shiny, and what do you mean while they are making the fifth generation?, what do you mean?
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A lot of people are expecting something gen 5 related thanks to the suspicious amounts of gen 5 references.
A weird amount of new forms for its Pokémon (YAMASK and STUNFISK of all Pokémon both got a regional form in SwSh, making them one of the first non-Kanto mons to get one. Also Darmanitan. This is only in SwSh, not counting PLA or SV. Also in SwSh, the only regions other than Kanto and Unova to get new forms were Johto and Hoenn, both of which only had one line get a regional form unless you count Slowking which was DLC exclusive and an evolution of a Kanto mon), literally visiting Unova in the newest DLC, a character from Unova just being teleported across time and space into PLA instead of just having an ancestor there, and more.