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Pokémon TCG Live 1.3.1 Update Discussion Thread



  • GuldenPenny
    GuldenPenny Member Posts: 3
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    On mobile does anyone else's turn just randomly end or is it just me? A lot of times I will draw for turn and then it auto passes. Is this a timer issue? I also once lost a game because it said I was inactive too long. But my opponent hadn't even finished their first turn...

  • GuldenPenny
    GuldenPenny Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    On mobile does anyone else's turn just randomly end or is it just me? A lot of times I will draw for turn and then it auto passes. Is this a timer issue? I also once lost a game because it said I was inactive too long. But my opponent hadn't even finished their first turn and

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    Okay, so it looks like Archeops is broken...

  • GuldenPenny
    GuldenPenny Member Posts: 3
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    On mobile does anyone else's turn just randomly end or is it just me? A lot of times I will draw for turn and then it auto passes. Is this a timer issue? I also once lost a game because it said I was inactive too long. But my opponent hadn't even finished their first turn.

  • GringostarX
    GringostarX Member Posts: 6
    Photogenic First Comment

    This patch was kinda bad, firt an 8 hour maitience is kind of alot, also game takes longer to get into now? which is very weird, and everyone have experienced it already but yeah theres alot of bug right now with card effects and all that. Also yeah the game needs a graphical over haul, avatar players look really bad, thye look like sims 2 models lol. maybe we can get a style similat to sun and moon player models, but if we are sticking wit the ones we have now, we need alot more customization options, it shouldnt be that hard. rough patch but hope it gets fixxed soon

  • Chan721989
    Chan721989 Member Posts: 1
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    SIT Articuno can’t attack. it freezes then passes turn to opponent for them to knock it out no paralysis or damage

  • Haunter707
    Haunter707 Member Posts: 8
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    I had the same issue with Arceus’ trinity nova. Unable to direct energy where I want until the turn times out and places all of the energy on Arceus. My opponent was playing Arceus and the same thing happened on his side. Never an issue until the new update

    TOFWHY Member Posts: 3
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    To me it is still unacceptable that when an opponent picks cards up out of their discard pile, on mobile at least, that the cards are not shown to me, am I expected to memorise an opponent's discard pile in every single game? This is an absolute and DIRECT hindrance to a player, this is removing vital information from a player who is expected to make informed decisions.

  • Flightless10
    Flightless10 Member Posts: 4
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    Articuno's Wild freeze literally freezes my card and passes the turn to my opponent without it activating its effect and damage. Seriously. It literally lost me 5 games now. Fix this please.

  • ShadowAce007
    ShadowAce007 Member Posts: 3
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    I just had a game where I had to wait the full 20 minutes. It seemed like my opponent just left and the automatic forfeit didn't kick in.