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Pokémon TCG Live 1.3.1 Update Discussion Thread



  • FENRIRggl
    FENRIRggl Member Posts: 1
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    Cant play anymore, cant find players wait 3min more than 5 times. 8 hours updating for nothing gg.

    No se puede jugar no encuentra jugadares 8 horas de actualizacion para no poder jugar gg.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    This patch is a complete dud. The new graphics make the game look even more cheap (seriously, stop doubling down and just get to work on a complete aesthetic overhaul already), there's a new banned card, and in my second game it froze up and ruined me, forcing me to concede when I had an easy win. Ugh.

    TOFWHY Member Posts: 3
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    edited December 2022 #14

    I find it unacceptable that when an opponent is picking cards up out of their discard pile, either using a pokemon ability or Cylene, that the cards chosen are not revealed to us. Am I supposed to memorise the opponent's discard pile in every single game??

    Reimplement an Log of Actions Taken. To refer to Hearthstone, the log down the side that when hovered over shows all cards that had an interaction during the client state actions.

    Reduce the amount of motion that cards exhibit. It is motion sickness unfriendly. Pick a side that you want the cards to interact on, and make it so that they stick to that side. Everything is too swoopy.

    When selecting abilities or attacks, it truly does not need to be a pop-out scrollable window. The cards are legible at their current font size. Turn it into an Accessibility feature. Make it so that font can become larger and Bold for people with sight issues or dyslexia.

    The UI and the main screens are too plain, and the menus are unintuitive. Utilise the art of the cards and the promotional art provided for each set release. Use it on the entire screen, but fade it into the background, and then place the menu options over it as opposed to this split-screen nightmare. Split-screen has sucked since it's introduction on games consoles 30 years ago, and having it be just how the menus look by default is a waste of good real estate.

    Introduce a Collection button so people can just browse the sets and the cards that they do and don't have.

    In the deck builder, the deck you are building should have pride of place, and should take the lions share of the screen, and nor should it have options for going between Types of card, I want to see the entire deck at once, AND the collection, so I can troubleshoot and craft a more optimised variant.

  • Weberlolz
    Weberlolz Member Posts: 1
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    Can't even open application, crashes after executing.

    Any Mac user have same issue like this?

  • Tannerlini
    Tannerlini Member Posts: 6
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    Any word on lucky energy? If you're gonna put a four of in one of the most popular premade decks it should probably be addressed.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    A little suggestion with the new Victory screen

    The victory quotes should either have a different font or be relocated. The words are barely visible over the darker background.

  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    100 Agrees First Anniversary 100 Comments 5 LOLs

    @TPCi_CursedSoup you say that you haven't abandoned this forum and yet there's absolute silence from you and your team team after rolling out a patch which has fundamentally broken the game. We are paying customers. You have moved our accounts to Live. Communicate with us and tell us when you're going to fix the game.

  • ShadowAce007
    ShadowAce007 Member Posts: 3
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    edited December 2022 #20

    I just had a game where I sat and waited for 20 minutes for my opponent. I don't know what's going on. If they left why didn't the game automatically forfeit?

  • IshidaU
    IshidaU Member Posts: 2
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    I hope they solve the PC Client problems when, just a few duels later, my cards "disappear" and I can´t select any card during the match, when using Trainer cards. Anyone else having the same issue? And improve the rewards in credits and crystals, it´s just a few each time...