Opponents time reached zero and nothing happened

Currently I'm looking at a screen with my opponent's timer is zero and the game is making me to concede? This person was losing and laid their phone down instead of leaving so I pay the price?
Anyone else seen this happen?
Thats happened quite a few times to me too. I assumed they were just afk to force me to concede too (so they don't take a loss) but I have experienced the game freeze on me so many times that it's probably just that their client has frozen and they can't make a move.
I even waited for their entire move clock to count down to zero (yes, 20 whole minutes or whatever) but even then the game just sits there and doesn't end in a victory for me. I still had to concede/quit the game and take a loss :(
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Hi there, Trainers. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. If you're still noticing that this is continuing to occur I recommend for this instance you open a ticket with the support team. To do so, please visit https://support.pokemon.com/ and then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us".
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I wonder what have you guys been doing all this time, with all the maintenance. This thread was open on march and we're still experiencing this issue. It happens a lot, like once every 5 matches. I can't be opening a ticket everytime it happens, and the ranked mode can't be taken seriously if this is still happening.
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In my first match right now and this happens.
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Whats going on i think this game was really good but found this kind of bug after an 12 hour maintenance
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Just happened to me as well I think - opponent was losing so I thought they were just AFK.