Paradox forms we need to see

with all the paradox forms, I think it would be awesome to see some legendarys get some enchant forms! Especially Solgaleo and Lunala! it would be so awesome to see Lunala be like a vampire bat, and Solgaleo have a big awesome mane!
I also think seeing like any legendary trio from gen 1-3 be cool
sawsbuck. What would that have looked like.
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I remember in a previous thread that I mentioned that Gorochu (cut Raichu evo) would look cool as a past Paradox form for Raichu
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@Tacolaser that is pure genius.
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Fun fact: Genesect suspiciously looks a lot like Kabutops. It could also be that Kabutops was Bug-Water before it went "extinct," and that becoming a fossil rock made it lose its first type, Bug, in exchange for the Rock type thanks to technology not being advanced enough to completely recover an extinct Pokémon.
Furthermore, Genesect's first type is bug, while its second type is steel. Possibly, this means that Team Plasma (incase anyone here is a newer fan, Team Plasma made Genesect) found one of the last Kabutops alive and covered it with steel, armor, and weapons, replacing its Water type.
So maybe we already have a future form for a fossil Pokémon. (Also I find it funny that it's a gen 1 fossil Pokémon.)