What is your favorite pokemon and why?

Mine is much. He's funny.
Best Answers
Rowlet (no explanation needed, it’s just the cutest pokémon ever)
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@Bolt_Boy25 Did ya mean Munchlax? Cuz for me it says "Mine is much."
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My favorite Pokemon is Popplio because he's one of the first in-game Pokemon I've ever seen. I remember watching people (specifically ZackScott) play through Sun & Moon, and the way Popplio looked up during the choose a starter part really got me. Also, bro's literally part of the best Starter Trio ever and is THE cutest Pokemon.
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I faved Chimecho because it's cute and exceedingly rare.
Next, I faved Cryogonal because it's rare and underrated. It served me surprisingly well in my earlier playthroughs and has a neat geometric design, to boot.
Next, I faved the likes of Dewott and Zoroark because they felt badass to me.
Now, I fave Furfrou because someone has to give it some sympathy in those trying times, and if no one else steps up to support it, it's gotta be me.
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Vaporeon. I don't really know why. It just kinda... Clicked with me. I guess maybe I thought the design was cool, or something like that. Either way, it's awesome, I love it, and it will be my favorite forever :)
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Mudkip, apart from being the very first Pokémon I ever got in Pokémon Emerald I find his design soooo cute and adorable.
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Snorlax because it’s so durpy and fat and cute. And toxticity because it’s design is kinda drippy and it’s gigantamax is cool.
I agree with @FallenFurfrou that Furfrou is underrated.
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@Acornyo lol yes.
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It's true. In playthroughs of X and Y, Furfrou is quite a formidable tank in the early game. Everywhere else, it's like the thing barely exists at all.
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I was the person who disagreed with Popplio, mainly you stating that it was the cutest pokémon. Don’t get me wrong, Popplio is adorable and it’s based on a sea lion, an animal I like and I don’t think there is anything to hate about it.
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@Dedenne90524 Oh lol that makes sense, since you love Rowlet :P
Mainly because it's fluffy and I want to hug it, and the way it looks also makes it feel like an older sibling or parent I can trust (which I don't have).
But also, it looks so cool once you get used to it. Which definitely takes a while because of the long robe and sleeveless jacket kind of thing it has, but it's a really cool Pokémon.
And people shouldn't compare it to Braixen as they both have their good points. Yeah, it's a big change from Braixen but let's be honest, a lot of final evolutions are. No one complains about Wartortle and Blastoise's very different designs, do they? (Wartortle does have war in its name while Blastoise has waterguns, but Braixen and Delphox are both magic witches. It's just that one of them is designed to look younger and the other is designed to look older.)