Favourite moment in Pokémon?

Was it battling Red atop Mount Silver? Catching all the Unown in HGSS? Finishing SV's main story? Or even just doing all the Pokéstar studios movies?
Or anything else, even outside of the mainline games. What moment do you treasure the most?
Obviously my first shiny which was a buizel in legends arceus
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I don't have one.. that I can remember anyway... I've played from the beginning but those memories are lost to me. Maybe I'll pick it back up again and try to make new memories.
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Hi Trainers, I've enjoyed hearing all the great memories! Thank you for sharing!
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The Ending in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (Red Rescue Team) was one of my first times crying during a video game. I have a lot of love for that game.
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My favourite memory is hatching a Shiny Rowlet that took almost the whole day.
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I also caught a buizel (shiny) in legends arceus!