Windows PC Version is unplayable

The second we use a card that is older than SwSh but is still standard, the game just bugs in multiple ways.
- Cards freeze on air before reaching the hand and game does not continue
- A card like VIP Pass and Quick ball searching the deck shows every card in black and not selectable
With those bugs we can't even play and we are forced to concede. This absolutely need to be fixed, I hate playing on cellphone since the screen is small and my phone is not that fast.
You're wrong TechHog, it's not a streaming problem at all.
I have a good internet ( fiber ) and I have the same problem.
Btw it's not only Juniper and Marnie. Much more cards have this bug ( PC only too ). For example Sonia, a Hoopa card and much more.
Superheri is right, the game is litteraly unplayable on PC.
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C'est une catastrophe cette version PC.
J'ai le même problème je n'arrive pas à jouer.
Mes cartes sont grisées, je ne vois pas l'avatar en face de moi. Les cartes gèlent dans l'air avant d'atteindre la main et le jeu ne continue pas
Rien ne marche correctement. Ce n'est pas normal d'avoir une application a ce niveau là.
Je ne peux plus du tout jouer et streamer.
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Installed the game few days ago. Unable to play even single game without game getting stuck. Usually it happens right after drawing first hand from the deck.