Radiant Charizard and Espathra Ex

Radiant Charizard attack cost is not correctly affected by espathra ex ability. With 4 prize cards taken, opponent with radiant charizard in active with one fire energy, my espathra ex with ability active, opponent was able to attack
Dude, you just didn't read the ability. the ability says that one colorless will be subtracted for each prize taken.
Total attack cost: 1 fire, 4 colorless.
You took: Four prizes.
Therefore, four colorless will be subtracted. That plus one fire energy equals combustion blast.
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Was Espathra in the active, if so, what did your opponent have in play?
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Ooooh ok, the Espathra adds one energy. Sorry for my earlier comment, then, I didn't read the ability. In this case it sounds like a bug. Unless Your opponent used something to decrease the amount of energy needed to attack, like a counter gain or something.
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@OlderAngel11 espartha ex makes your opponents pokemons attacks use up one more colorless, so it shouldve made the cost 1 fire and 5 colorless. if he had taken 5 prized it wouldve worked as normal, but on 4 prizes the cost of attack shouldve been 1 fire and 1 colorless. pretty sure this is a bug that weve come to expect of this client, probably an interaction between radiant charizards ability and attack cost increases (also the case with pokemon league HQ)
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The other day my opponent using Espathra ex was down to a single prize with no Pokémon league hq in play. For some reason my Radiant charizard with a single luminous energy attached couldn’t attack. Isn’t the cost supposed to be 5 colorless energy less since they took 5 prizes? Really upsetting considering I just needed to knock the Espathra ex out to win.