Conceding should be penalized

I play pretty much every day and I enjoy this game quite a bit but the one thing that really irks me is that people concede a LOT. I get it when you get a crappy starting hand and you can't seem to build up your team but not when the opponent is slow. Not everyone is as fast as you so quit being so goddamn impatient!
But what I would like to see is that people get less and less exp for every match they concede to the point where they get only half as much as they normally have. and that should reset at midnight UTC. That should encourage people to complete their matches.
I disagree strongly. There's nothing wrong with conceding.
However, what I DO think should change is the system where, as I understand it, when a player concedes, their opponent gets less exp. It basically means that if your opponent concedes just before they lose, you're punished, which is dumb. Hopefully they DO change that...but punishing people for conceding is also silly.
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Yeah I don't really support punishing players for conceding, aside from the fact you're already at a loss if you concede anyway (it drops your rank unless you're at the bottom of the league), sometimes matchups are just bad and it's not really fair to force someone to sit through 10 minutes of a game they already know they're going to lose. The fact you get less exp if they concede early is annoying but trainer level also ostensibly does nothing (even the rewards for levelling up are basically nonexistent), so unless they have plans to actually do something with that I really don't understand why people care so much about it.
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I’m with @LightYearLiam. Your opponent shouldn’t be punished for conceding, they might be going to lose, have a horrible start, or just realized they need to go do something. The fact that you get less xp when your opponent forfeits makes sense on paper, because it (most of the the time) means you haven’t played the full game, however, like you were saying Liam, some people might forfeit right before you’re about to defeat them.
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That's a terrible take. It's all about your perspective of the concession. Some people concede cause they're salty. But some of us concede so as not to waste time. I.e more time spent learning and growing your game.
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It's important to consider a few counterpoints to your proposed solution of reducing experience points for conceding:
- Technical Issues and Bugs: Many players might have legitimate reasons for conceding that are beyond their control. Technical issues, unexpected interruptions, or even game bugs can lead to players conceding unintentionally. Penalizing them for such occurrences might feel unfair.
- Incentive to Report Bugs: Players might be more willing to report bugs and technical issues if they're not penalized for conceding due to these problems. Reducing experience points might discourage players from reporting issues if they fear losing rewards in return.
- Negative Player Experience: If players are punished for conceding, it could lead to a negative player experience. Players who feel they are being unfairly penalized for reasons beyond their control might become frustrated and disheartened, potentially leading them to leave the game altogether.
- Encouraging Unenjoyable Matches: Implementing harsh penalties for conceding could lead to players staying in matches they're not enjoying just to avoid the XP reduction. This could make matches less enjoyable for both players involved and might not result in a positive overall gameplay experience.
Instead of penalizing players for conceding, a more holistic approach might be beneficial:
- Improving Matchmaking: Enhance the matchmaking system to pair players with opponents of similar skill levels. This can lead to more balanced matches and reduce the frequency of one-sided games that lead to conceding.
- Positive Reinforcement: Offer rewards or bonuses for players who complete matches consistently. This way, players are motivated to stay engaged and see matches through to the end.
- Communication and Education: Promote the idea that completing matches contributes to a healthier game environment. Educating players about the importance of seeing matches through could foster a sense of responsibility and sportsmanship.
- Addressing Slow Gameplay: If slow gameplay is a concern, developers could explore implementing features that encourage timely decision-making during matches, without pressuring players to play at a pace that feels uncomfortable for them.
Ultimately, finding a balance between encouraging complete matches and understanding players' diverse circumstances and preferences is key to maintaining a positive and engaging gaming experience for all.
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@QuickiTurtle’s second point (positive reinforcement) is an awesome idea. Even just granting a small reward for finishing a match you lose is a great incentive not to forfeit right before your opponent wins.
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Conceding is a skill in the Pokemon TCG in higher levels of play. It should not be penalized. I think (as others have said) rewards after a match should be re-adjusted so the winner isn't losing out on rewards if the opponent concedes. Maybe all rewards should just be a flat number if you win or lose. it shouldn't matter how many prize cards were taken
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Some players are skilled at the Pokemon TCG and choose to concede matches strategically, especially in advanced levels of play. Punishing this tactic might not be the best idea. A better approach could be to adjust the rewards given after a match, so that the winner doesn't miss out even if their opponent concedes. Perhaps the rewards could stay the same for both players, regardless of who wins or how much progress they've made in the game