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Shiny Pokemon that need to be changed or fixed



  • B_Tyler
    B_Tyler Member Posts: 9
    5 Likes First Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    Here is what I would change:

    Persian ears redder, Haunter slightly more saturated, Gengar lighter like the anime, Seel and Dewgong green eyes, Goldeen more saturated orange, Scyther darker green, Snorlax darker blue, and Zapdos darker yellow/orange.

    Cyndaquil line's flame purple, Pichu darker yellow, Igglybuff swirl and mouth green, Phanpy paler blue, Elekid orange, and Blissey more saturated pink.

    Shedinja more gold, and Numel's Blue more saturated.

    Chimchar line darker, Burmy and Wormadam same blue as Mothim, Garchomp darker black, Drapion more saturated, Leafeon body darker body, Glaceon lighter white body, Froslass darker blue spots, and Phione and Manaphy more teal.

    Petilil more yellow, Basculin lighter lime body, Scraggy darker sheddings, Vanillish and Vanilluxe more purple ice, Tynamo and Elektrik darker body and lighter orange, Beheeyem lighter body, and Beartic more purple.

    Gen 6 is perfect.

    Alolan Vulpix more contrast between purple and white, Popplio more pink frills, Minior's shell having a change (although this is just personal preference), Komala's body actually change, and Marshadow become dark black

    Blipbug darker blue body, Aplin line's body darker green, Snom line more green, Kubfoo line's body actually changes, Regieleki darker body, Regidrago more purple body, Glacerstier darker purple, Calyrex body more gold

    Hisuian Typhlosian red flames

    Paldean Tauros greater contrast, Tandemaus family more greater contrast Charcadet line's flames change with the eyes, Baxcalibur darker body, and Gimmighoul line blue chest with white lether and golden medallion.

  • Duskull101
    Duskull101 Member Posts: 36 ✭✭
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    Regice is a terrible shiny. Regice was my favorite regi as a kid (until pokemon added regileki) but seeing his shiny ruined it for me.

  • B_Tyler
    B_Tyler Member Posts: 9
    5 Likes First Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    Here is what I would change:

    Persian ears redder, Haunter slightly more saturated, Gengar lighter like the anime, Seel and Dewgong green eyes, Goldeen more saturated orange, Scyther darker green, Snorlax darker blue, and Zapdos darker yellow/orange.

    Cyndaquil line's flame purple, Pichu darker yellow, Igglybuff swirl and mouth green, Phanpy paler blue, Elekid orange, and Blissey more saturated pink.

    Shedinja more gold, and Numel's Blue more saturated.

    Chimchar line darker, Burmy and Wormadam same blue as Mothim, Garchomp darker black, Drapion more saturated, Leafeon body darker body, Glaceon lighter white body, Froslass darker blue spots, and Phione and Manaphy more teal.

    Petilil more yellow, Basculin lighter lime body, Scraggy darker sheddings, Vanillish and Vanilluxe more purple ice, Tynamo and Elektrik darker body and lighter orange, Beheeyem lighter body, and Beartic more purple.

    Gen 6 is perfect.

    Alolan Vulpix more contrast between purple and white, Popplio more pink frills, Minior's shell having a change (although this is just personal preference), Komala's body actually change, and Marshadow become dark black

    Blipbug darker blue body, Aplin line's body darker green, Snom line more green, Kubfoo line's body actually changes, Regieleki darker body, Regidrago more purple body, Glacerstier darker purple, Calyrex body more gold

    Hisuian Typhlosian red flames

    Paldean Tauros greater contrast, Tandemaus family more greater contrast Charcadet line's flames change with the eyes, Baxcalibur darker body, and Gimmighoul line blue chest with white lether and golden medallion.

  • _-_Eevee_-_
    _-_Eevee_-_ Member Posts: 21 ✭✭
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    Slowpoke, no explaining needed..

  • GreenFrog425
    GreenFrog425 Member Posts: 3
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  • GreenFrog425
    GreenFrog425 Member Posts: 3
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    Obstagoon. It's blue and red colors completely ruin it's old black and white punk feeling

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Scyther. It's hardly different, there's just this one panel on his chest that becomes red.

  • Pearl971566
    Pearl971566 Member Posts: 4
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    Shiny slowpoke BTW dose anyone have one please I am dying 😭 💀

    ORBEETLE345 Member Posts: 76 ✭✭
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    I think Magnezone should be changed to look like more like its pre-evolutions, its current shiny is noticeable but the line makes you think its going to be gold as well but then it suddenly changes to have to be really underwhelming personally