Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
nice one, I have a couple spare Golems but don’t have a nidoking spare at the moment. Happy for you to send over either moltres or magneton.
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Friend ID 8576-0508-3803-9519 CarlFredricks
LF 1 Star: Space-Time Mamoswine, Gastrodon, Cresselia, Rhyperior, Staraptor
Available 1 Stars: GA: Bulbasaur, Gloom, Pinsir, Charmander, Rapidash, Alakazam, Nidoqueen, Dragonite
Space Time 1 Stars available: Shaymin, Rotom, Mesprit, Glameow
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Mamoswine for Alakasam? I’ll send you a trade now
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No problem, I've sent you a friend request, I have a fair few of those.
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Would give you Infernape EX for Wigglytuff EX