Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hey all, looking to complete GA and just need a Victreebell and Wigglytuff EX. I should have a spare of most other cards. Friend code: 1416-3849-9050-9628
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I can give you either for Shaymin
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Looking for Palika EX
Can offer Weavile EX, Arodactyl EX, Palkia EX, Gyradaos EX, Any genetic apex EX except Charizard, Exeggutar, Mewtwo and Wiggletuff.
Friend code is 9213918015807678
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@hetahcheetah Do you have weavile EX?
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i have Victreebell
i need
GA: Jolteon,Snorlax,Flareon,Greninja,Weezing,Dragonite,Aerodact
I added you.