Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
only one sorry
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damn, I only have 1 monferno! I do have 3 volcaranas though, happy to swap that for a hypno?
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i've got it, added you too, do you have lickilicky EX?
my ID
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Friend ID 8576-0508-3803-9519 CarlFredricks
Looking for 3 diamond: GA Golem, Nidoking, Ditto - Space Time: Empoleon, Heatran
Available 3 diamond: Mamoswine, Glaceon, Magnezone, Cresselia, Vaporeon, Riachu GA: Venasaur, Articuno, Greninja, Elektross, Machamp, Kabutops
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@KibblaKaze sent the trade on shaymin
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@IanHanTyumi I can do Ditto for Snorlax.
My id 7680454015869958
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I can trade butterfree for jolteon