looking for a Dialga Ex and Gyarados Ex and weave ex.
I’ve got infernape ex, machamp ex, lickylicky ex.
Friend code:
ID: 1133-9311-4814-4841 [ZuluGP]
Lf alakazam 💎 💎 💎
Trading any 3 💎 💎 💎
Lapras, elektross, golem (GA), gengar (GA), kabutops, aeodactyl, superior, mamoswine.
Trainer i.d 3590053307736742
alakazam for dusknoir or darkrai STS??
Id 2556628292607860
@comonx Added you dusknoir is good, sent
LF darkrai STS for complete colection
Any 3 diamonds for trade
Let me know when you are ready to trade
will trade garchomp stsp 3 ♦️ for darkrai 3 ♦️ if you still have
hey mate I saw it wrong the heatran I have is from TL. do you need it or any other card?
can trade u magneton GA, do u have dusknoir or darkrai of S-TS?