Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Will trade kabutops for kangaskhan
ID: 5111052242249355
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Looking for GA lapras and Articuno ex. Let me know what you are looking for
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Lapras,Alakazam, Torterra Magmortor, Luxray
I have a Kangaskhan i could send over.
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i can give you a lapras(GA) for kangaskhan
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yes...waiting for you to finish trade
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@OGGamesJunkie are you still open for Empoleon in exchange for Hypno?
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i have to recover trade stam. But if you still need it tomorrow you can let me know but i think surfer has you covered.
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Thanks either way! @JamJamMarsh
@paranixx yes I still need the hypno if you still have it
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Trade done!
Thank you!