Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I could do a charmander for a spiritomb
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Hi @SasukeUchihax I added you, I'm Alfy. I can give you a one star Eevee for your one star Spiritomb. Thanks.
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I need the 4 daimond arodactal ex I can trade that for an articono
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Hi @SasukeUchihax i can trade an articouno ex for and arodactal ex
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I need:
⧫⧫⧫⧫ Gyrados EX (MI) and Exeggutor EX (GA)
I have:
⧫⧫⧫⧫ Arcanine EX, Zapdos EX, Gengar Ex, Marowak Ex, Celebi Ex, Darkrai Ex
My ID: 8863862622344147
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i have kabutops will trade for kangaskhan
ID: 5111052242249355
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Hey bro! got the Magmortar and I'm interested in the Jolteon.
ID: 8197621161350569
Username: DENGUEROCA420
I'll send you an invite! (;
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i have kabutops I can trade you for kangaskhan
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I see you have another trade in progress, so when you are done with it, send me the Jolteon and I'll send you the Marmogtar! (;