Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
looking for
celebi ex, Moltres ex, Darki ex, Marowak ex,
Willing to trade
Starmie ex, Articuno ex,, wigglytuff ex, pachirisu ex, mismagius ex, Pigeot ex, aerodactyl ex
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omastar for a Magneton?
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Need 2, 3, 4 Diamond Cards to fill in my base sets - Lot of extras to Trade!
GA 3D: Omastar, Gengar, Wheezing
GA 4D: Machamp exSTS 2D: Carnivine, Gabite
STS 3D: Shaymin, Giratina, Bastiodon, Garchomp, Porygon Z
STS 4D: Pachirisu ex, Lickilicky exTL 2D: Bronzong
TL 3D: Carnivine, Heatran, Raichu, GiratinaSome I have to trade:
3D GA - Vileplume, Arcanine, Moltres, Blastoise, Lapras, Articuno, Greninja, Alakazam, Mewtwo, Gardevoir, Kabutops, Muk, Melmetal, Pidgeot, Ditto
3D MI - Serperior, Volcarona, Raichu, Mew, Golem, Marshadow, Tauros
3D STS - Torterra, Leafeon, Magnezone, Electivire, Togekiss, Mesprit, Darkrai, Regigigas4D GA: Venusaur ex, Exeggutor ex, Starmie ex, Mewtwo ex, Marowak ex, Wigglytuff ex
4D STS: Infernape ex, Weavile exLet me know if you are willing to trade, and what you need.
Also accepting friends: 6984227946506249
Thanks in advance!
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starmie ex for marowak!!!!
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lets do it Friend ID 2831-0946-2515-7357
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starime EX for, Celebi ex, Darki ex, or moltres Ex
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Mamoswine for Magneton (genetic Apex)?
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I have a celebi ex for a aerodactyl ex?