Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hey guys I need a darkrai ex I'll trade a yanmega for it
0923313397194379 My id
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@GuiBiagio do you have a Shaymin (3 diamond) to trade? I could offer either of the ones you are looking for :)
ID: 3061479798626457
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I have a machamp ex. Looking for articuno, pachirisu, glaceon and Arceus all EX
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heck yeah dude, I just accepted & put up the palkia for trade. Thanks!
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Hi I need Yanmega EX please, tell me what you need for it, thanks
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@JamJamMarsh ready :)
LF 1 star art rare cards
superior vaporeon combee shamyin mamoswine gastrodon shinix rotham drifloon rhyperior spirtbomb heatran houndoom gloom alakazam slowpoke nidoqueen golbat pidgeot meowth eevee
have 1 star
nidoking pinsir marill squirtle lapras weezing carivine dragonite glamglow staraptor unown magnimite
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LF: Darkrai EX
Available (FT): Arcanine EX, Marowak EX, Infernape EX, Dialga EX, Exeggutor EX, Celebi EX, Charizard EX
Friend ID: 8287029012953508