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Raid Bot/AI cheating

JoeyLockhart Member Posts: 13
5 Agrees Name Dropper First Comment

Will there be an update for Scarlet/Violet to fix issues with AI Raid Bots cheating?

Multiple raid dens have strong mons, however they get even stronger beyond comprehension regardless of the player using a fully trained EV mon in the battle. For example, Talonflame or Iron Leaves (any tera raid basically 5 stars and above) the issue is the raid bot is allowed to use multiple moves and resorts to cheating - quite literally as they keep getting attacks and speed boosts while nullifying abilities and stat changes for user and team. The nullifying abilities and stat changes used to come around at 3rd/4th turn - but this now comes within first 2 turns for most 6-7 star raids (assuming the raid AI is programmed to calculate the win rate based on move sets and abilities of the mons chosen by players).

Common issue players experience is the tera raid teams consisting of 4 unknown players - these players do not wish to play as a team. Each player somehow plays/chooses to play solo even in group tera raids or selects a mon which isn’t appropriate at all. If only players were allowed to opt out of raid battles when the teammates chose inappropriate mons (would be very helpful and save time and battery!).

Regardless the issue remains with the tera raid AI bot programming. For example, Talonflame caught in raid den with flame body ability and moveset: acrobatics, flare blitz, steel wing, heat wave. Still trying to wrap my head around how would the raid bot be able to boost speed and attack at each turn with these moves and ability? Additionally the raid bots not only boost speed/attacks but waste time while in battle - players literally wait multiple seconds to pick moves and when they do attempt to pick a move, the raid bot interrupts by either using a move or nullifying or removing negative effects or something. Players can’t land super-effective moves with their level of effectiveness as well, meanwhile the tera raid AI using a bot as effective move lands equivalent damage to a super-effective move.

Also, Players literally see the time bar run its course until the raid bot assumes the win. And when these raid mons are captured and utilized outside of tera raid or in another tera raid as is, they do not perform/function well, leaving the player questioning the difficulty they experienced when capturing the Pokémon in first place.

Is the objective still to defeat the tera raid mon to either capture/collect items? If yes, then why is the AI programming for the raids built to provide an extreme counter? Challenging games are fun - but truthfully speaking it is wasting quite a bit of time due to the programming issues.

p.s. consider solo players! (And yes, I’ve attempted/participated in multiple tera raids before reporting/bringing this to the forum. Hoping it catches the attention of someone who can release a fix).


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    So you are asking them to tone down their AI difficulty for raids? Seems reasonable.

    I suppose they could even preserve the existing level of difficulty in some kind of "super hard raid" mode. 8 star raids. Something like that.

    I doubt any changes will be made at this point, however. People have already bought the game, possibly bought the DLC, and obligingly subscribed to Switch Online in order to play in raids. The game is barely functional enough to prevent most people complaining. Some even defend it.

    Where is the incentive to fix it?

    Besides, all of the dev staff are working on the next game now. Getting it just barely functional enough for you to buy that is where the money is. They can happily coast until next year on their existing raid system and event schedule.

    The franchise is supported by other games and mobile apps, the card game and every kind of merchandise under the sun.

    Making Scarlet and Violet any better I am sure is deemed a waste of resources by now. Remember to get your pre-order in for Z-A. Maybe it will unlock Zygarde 101% in the ILCA gen 5 remakes.

  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 628 ✭✭✭
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    i think you're just paranoid and the AI doesn't change to counter your mons or anything. if you go to **** here you can see the talonflame has all its resets and actions defined at specific health and times which has been the same since release.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 863 ✭✭✭✭
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    All tera raids have set times to use extra attacks or actions, the seven star Mewtwo back in September used its shield at 100% time, and the Palkia/Dialga 5 star raids used Gravity or Trick Room at 100% time respectively.