What are your favorite Pokémon, favorite starter Pokémon and favorite Legendary Pokémon?

OMine are:
Pokémon Favorite: Vulpix( Kanto and Alola forms)
Starter Pokémon Favorite: Oshawott
Legendary Pokémon Favorite: Xerneas
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Pokemon: Alolan Vulpix
Starter: Popplio line
Legendary: Lunala/pechurant( if mythicals count)
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You know, I have highlighted the potential dangers of allowing users to have an open 'about me' section in their profiles, but maybe this sort of information with limited possible answers would be ideal for the Pokémon forum profiles.
We could have a number of selection boxes on the edit profile form with pre-set, limited options. We could have categories like:
- Favourite Pokémon
- Favourite starter
- Favourite legendary
- First Pokémon game
- Favourite Pokémon game
- Favourite type
We could even have favourite protagonists and gym leaders if we are feeling frisky, but I think I know the characters people will choose and the types of discussions it might lead to.
These types of options will limit the risk of a user entering something that can upset or endanger other users, particularly for a child-focused franchise, but also security risks like injection through an open field like an 'about me'.
It also means we have that information to hand on everyone's profiles and don't need to keep making these threads.
Food for thought. Maybe a mod would be kind enough to copy-paste a generic 'thank you for your feedback' message?
- Buzzwole
- Cindaquil or Rowlet
- Mewtwo or Darkrai
I look forward to posting these responses again next thread.
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• Oooh i like to catch ‘em all!!
• Fuecoco
• Rayquaza