That round electric tiger Kotora
Isn't it surprising there's no response why this creature was scrapped twice?? Despite everything, people wish Kotora will come back in a future Pokémon game, so that would be quite interesting to hear the developers' thoughts on the love it gets.
today i learned Zygarde Complete is an Alola pokemon. It must not have been in XY. How many of you know this?
If Ultra Beasts were Human...: The Artists we Fear
Time for the US/UM Ultra Beasts! Poipole and Naganadel are the next two! The need similar designs, I'm making them both girls because they are based off wasps making Naganadel a queen. Keep reading and the UB series will be finished!
Incorrect Paldea Adventures Quotes.
Basically it's this scratch webcomic I got obsessed with that has Pokemon. NEMONA IS THE PAWMOT. I love violet my beloved. So post your Paldean Adventure quotes here. I'll go first. "Wish Koraidon, he's DEAD inside." ~Violet
If Ultra Beasts were Human...: Kartana Actual Post
I don't think anyone read this yet, but I tried making a post about my human Kartana design examples with the sentences backwards, just like how Kartana talks in the anime. If you can read this, post your ideas here. Message for puplover1118: who was that girl you showed me on the Celesteela post? She was literally the…
Gen 1 bracket #33-36
magnemite line vs machop line Pikachu line vs weedle line Growlithe line vs exeggcute line Doduo line vs Grimer line
Is there any weird associations you had with Pokemon???
Lemme go first. Poltchageist is basically associated with Hatsune Miku for some reason. Eevee and Arceus, why not? when a onibi phantom Pokemon from gen 4 is associated with a Touhou character from the 12th game and Rotom and Miraidon. OH WAIT SLAV AND SYLEVON. i also want y'all to know: I associated Totodile with Plot…
What's your favorite pokemon character?
My favorite pokemon character is N. I love his personality, backstory and design. He also has a really cool battle theme, befriends one of the legendary dragons, beats the champion and even summons his own castle. His final boss fight is one of my favorite climatic fights in the series. So, what's yours?
Whats your favorite Eevee?
Mine would be Flareon.
Opinions on Ultra Beasts
I was wondering what people thought about these pokemon. Personally I really liked them and really hope they bring them back. My favorites are Kartanaa and Stakatake.