what shiny I'm gettin' for artazon?
So yeah. I have a Talonflame from Cortondo, a Female Litleo, from Area Five of the South Province. Orenji (The Talonflame) represents bugs as a whole, Prism (the white lion), Represents Klawf and Sweet Things. Now what? Who could be the Shiny Pokemon to resemble Sunfloras, and "Avant-garde"?
Pokémon Forums: Weekly Schedule
Okay, starting tomorrow, I won't be able to be on Pokémon Forums, so only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, I'll be on Forums. Me and Malisteen's summer break is over. Fakemon Academy is waiting for us!
Is it still a necessity to have two versions of a game?
As everyone knows we always get two version of the main game. For example Scarlet and Violet and this is already the case from the early begin of Red and Blue. It is a tradition of the Pokémon franchise, but is this still a necessity? If Game Freak releases only one game and at start you can chose the version, wouldn't…
What if there was a move...
called igneous rock. Idk in grade school I thought it was so cool how lava would flow to the surface then cool and return to the core to form igneous rock. so here's what I think it should be: 35 BP;Fire type move Works like freeze dry but against rock types
Gen 1 bracket round 2 #2
so will it be abra line or weedle line
This is my team for regulation h.
Which one should I cut from the team? Please leave suggestions in the comments!
Give me silly name ideas for my PMD team
I’m playing Red Rescue Team on NSO. I’m a Meowth, my partner is a Squirtle.
This was an accident 😖
Okay, so after finishing up the Ultra Beasts, I tried posting asking for your ideas for Eeveelution human designs, but I didn't really mean that. So, if you find any posts, don't send any design ideas. I'm doing it myself.
If the Eeveelutions were Human...: Javar
I've made an Eeveelution you don't know about called Souleon. A Ghost type Eeveelution that evolved from an Eevee when it ate a Rare Candy while fainted. It had a blue body with purple eyes. It also had an amulet on its forehead that controls its sinister power. The human form is very similar to the original.
I need a defensive pokemon for pokemon regulation h.
I need a defensive pokemon for pokemon regulation h In pokemon violet. I feel like I should add amoongus? I need help.