Why raids are underrated and how they can be better
There's just something about teaming up with other players from around the world and beating up on an absolute tank of a pokemon that, despite the many flaws in the game mode, keeps me coming back. In the absence of a proper battle facility (no, the School Battle Brawl doesn't count), many players were left yearning for…
Limited time events for Scarlet Violet
Anyone else miss a lot of events? It's funny, I've had both Scarlet and Violet since day one and the only events I actually participated in was shiny Ghimmigoul, shiny Arcanine, and the recent mighty Delphox. Everything else I just missed out on. One time I noticed people on my friends list have special pokemon icons as…
When will Pokémon Scarlet and Violet include an option to turn off battle animations?
Hi I couldn't find this option anywhere which is weird considering it was in the previous Pokémon games.
How Could Journeys have been Better?
What issues do you have with Pokemon Journeys, and how do you think those issues could have been improved? Personally, I would have liked Ash, Goh, and Chloe to share the spotlight equally, and each one of them getting a Galar starter. And maybe give Goh a different goal than catching every Pokemon- hard to really care…
New here
Hello all, I just joined because I'm a lover of Pokemon and I want to be around others with the same interests :) Excited to engage here and meet some of you around the forums!
I love this forum
Things like "Pokemon Trainer McDonalds Orders" and "Top 10 Pokemon Most Likely To Doxx You On Twitter" are some of my more favourite discussions. Also I love it when people let their headcanons get in the way of my enjoyment of these games.
Anyone still playing Mystery Dungeon DX? Who did you get as your team?
For me I was an Eevee and my partner was a Mudkip named Muddy. I would also like to see a mystery dungeon topic here too.
Am I the Only One Who Thinks Legends Arceus' Story isn't all that Great?
Allow me to explain, at least on my personal gripes with it: Most of the characters felt forgettable, and the conflict between the Pearl and Diamond Clans really didn't interest me. In fact, I thought they kind of came across as little better than Team Magma and Aqua (Adaman, how does time lead to the world being created?)…
Short attention-span vs Pokemon?
Hey, wanted to see if people were having similar issues! I have possibly undiagnosed adhd that has been making it extremely hard to focus on anything and I found myself unable to play pokemon anymore due to that there isn't enough going on to keep my attention. Does anyone know a way to combat this? I really miss playing…
What do you think is the best Pokemon Anime?
There are a lot of them, but which one is the best? Mainly writing-wise.