Pokémon: The color of Fuecoco's scales
Hi, Are (Fire Starter Pokémon) Fuecoco's stems and scales are amber orange? I know what **** wrote might be yellow, but it doesn't seem that way because it could be orange. Unless the accurate description of the stem and scales might be true?
Favourite Pokémon of every type
What’s your favourite Pokémon of every type?
Thoughts on Nintendo's Thoughts on Nuzlockes?
So, this happened quite some time ago- Content creators Kit and Krysta (Nintendo Minute) talked about something a year or so ago that happened when they pitched an idea to Nintendo about doing a video on a Nuzlocke- they didn't take the news well at all and just about fired them. It was stated that doing Nuzlockes was the…
What are the best mainline series games?
I'd say Black 2 and White 2.
Pokemon Detective Pikachu returns attempt to tie up loose ends
From the previous games, there are some previous loose ends to tie up in order ensure it wouldn't be another random case. Such as what really happened to Harry Goodman. Will Tim and Detective Pikachu solve the mystery of his disappearance.
What is your favorite generation of Pokemon?
Honestly just wanted to hear some other perspectives! Generation 5 (BW/BW2) has been my favorite for so long, and I know many people have adopted a similar opinion, but hearing other answers would be fun too!
Favorite Pokemon Character
Who is your favorite character in the Pokemon games, whether it be Evil Team leaders, gym leaders, rivals, etc. As for myself... honestly not sure. There are a lot of different Pokemon characters I like, but I would say Hau is at least pretty high on the list. Say what you want about him as a rival, but he'd be a pretty…
what's your favorite legendary trio?
Super-ancient Pokémon (Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza) Creation Trio (Dialga, Palkia, Giratina) Tao Trio (Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem) Aura Trio (Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde) Light Trio (Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma) Legends Of Galar (Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus) Legendary birds (Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno) Legendary beasts (Entei,…
Side goals before the teal mask commes out
After beating the game there are many side quest you can do like -complete the pokedex -compete in the academy ace tournament -refight the gym leaders If you beat all 3 side goals you can wait or play the gen 4 remake, arceus,gen8 dlc or gen 1 let's go -only in gen 4 remake mine some stuff for money in the grand cave -only…
here is some of my fanart
gardevoir is my favorite pokemon which is why there is two drawings of her lol