New Pokemon Ideas

I've seen lots of cool ideas for new pokemon and I wanted to start a descustion for them. Here some of my ideas.
A pokemon that is made of really hard glass or makes glass
A pokemon that is based off of succulents
Pokémon like Trevenant but alive with a few verities like an evergreen and willow
A sundew pokemon
A pokemon that is based off of a person that studies and draws what they see in books. It could be a psychic and ghost pokemon that collects knowledge in a handmade book (got the idea from tinkaton), then as it levels up and gains more knowledge it would evolve and get a bigger/more books. The first form would be holding a handmade piece of paper in one hand and a piece of charcoal in the other. Its second form would have a whole book and a pencil. Its last form it would have 3 scrolls floating on each side of it. It might have 6 arms with 2 of them writing in the scrolls (kind of like hoopa unbound).