Round and Match #1, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
Okay, so there are over 140 new Pokemon (according to my calculations), and more on the way soon, but I still want to do this. I'm going to put them in evolution lines, because let's be real, even 30 of these would be pretentious. The choices are: Klawf Flamigo Tatsugiri Vote wisely!
Are humans the only ones in the Pokemon world?
Aside from the Pokemon and Humans, I noticed in ultra sun and ultra moon that the ultra recon squad happens to be aliens. The Ultra recon squad members even called the people humans as if they're not. So I figure what other humanoid races are there in the world of pokemon? Merfolk? People with bird like features? Something…
Palkia raid Sylveon
(I had no idea how to name this) I was using a Pixilate Hyper Voice Sylveon and realised just how much damage it does in this raid (didn't try the Dialga one as I was using Violet and those raids get entered instantly). So here are the necessary stats/moves/items: Item: Choice Specs EVs: Max Sp. Atk, Max Sp. Def, Rest goes…
Something that made you like a specific Pokémon more
Basically, share anything that caused you to start liking a Pokémon that you previously didn't care about much. I'll start: * The last time I replayed Pokémon Red, Fearow was one of my team's heavy hitters, and I remember it fondly for that. It has good stats for how early in the game you can get it, and picks up a Flying…
What is your favorite pokemon and why?
Mine is much. He's funny.
Pokemon Gimmick/Features evilution your gym pokemon
I was wondering what people thought about the gimmick forms and features. This includes mega evolution, tera pokemon, regional versions of pokemon, Z-moves, and gigantamax.
Generation 6 Pokemon
What does everyone think of gen 6 pokemon. I actually started pokemon on this game, so my opinion is a bit biased, but I thoroughly liked most of the pokemon and the game itself. It was very well done.
Backup for Detective Pikachu sequel options
Next month is the detective pikachu returns game coming up along with the much rumored sequel to the detective pikachu film. Much anticipation for both of them. Just in case neither of the sequels would make the cut. Once I work for the pokemon company and delivered my elevator pitch. I would propose the pokemon anime…
What is the biggest plot hole you've realized in a pokemon game?
I've gotta go with Rose trying to get eternatus to power the galar region. It says that regeleki can power it for a really long time without anyone getting hurt. I also don't understand the pokedex and it's plot holes. Like, there's a bunch of pokemon that no one has ever seen before in the Paldea region. But what's this?…
Will there ever be a VR or PC game of Pokemon for PC with cross play?
So i have been following Pokemon for years but have never been able to play cause it is not on PC. I have had this idea for a VR version that follow the Anime as well as the games. VR MMO would start in the Kanto region and players could pick the town they want to start in and pick their first Pokemon from the 3 starters…