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Your normal type gym and pokemon

Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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If you were a normal type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be.

This is going to be part of a series that I'm going to do on each of the types


  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    Gym: Basically a nice looking ice-cream parlor. Nothing fancy (which is the point), but the game would be sliding around on ice, like a race against the workers! When you win, you'd slide through an air vent and into the freezer, with me. Of course, I would be stuck in there (I don't trap kids in locked rooms) because I lost my keys, as per usual. You'd find them rather easily, give them to me, and then I'd heal your team and THEN we'd battle.








    (Realistically a gym never has 6 Pokemon, but these would be the options for my team. Maybe scratch Stoutland and Cincinno for later battles.)

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    My team would consist of furret, porygon-Z, cinccino, delcatty, zoroark, and kangaskhan. the gym would be a pokemon fact challenge and my fight (I think I'm pulling from the game/comic but a roulette wheel that does stuff to the pokemon).

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 863 ✭✭✭✭
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    Hisuian Zoroark




    Tera Normal Dragonite

  • DewyGooey
    DewyGooey Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
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    Hmm...This seems hard...

    I'll decide that I'd be the seventh Gym Leader out of eight. Why not combine the Safari Zone & the Gym Challenge together? The Safari Zone would obviously consist of elusive Pokemon not usually found anywhere else in the region. Perhaps Kecleon, Spinda, & even Kangaskhan! Of course, it could also contain Pokemon of other types, like Relicanth, Maractus, & Morelull. It would have eight sections, with four of them being available to be at from the get-go (will go over these as I go), and the other four having to be unlocked during the postgame through a rematch.

    *AHEM* as the Pokemon Trainer goes into the gym challenge, they would have to deal with four trials containing strong Pokemon.


    Found in the desert section of the Safari Zone. This one could be found in a certain sunlit cavern found east of the desert.


    Found in the savanna section of the Safari Zone. It can be found roaming in the northern part of the savanna.


    Found in the bay section of the Safari Zone. It can be found on a small rocky area in the middle of the bay.


    Found in the forest section of the Safari Zone. It can be found in a glowing patch fueled by fungi northeast of the forest.

    After the Pokemon Trainer had caught all four of the Pokemon, they'll get to challenge me in the middle of the four starting sections of the Safari Zone. My team would consist of a Pyroar, an Arboliva, a Bewear, a Drampa, and a Braviary. Once they beat me, they'll get the Travel Badge & TM152 (at the time) Giga Impact!

    If the Pokemon Trainer wants to battle me again, they'll have to deal with a Blissey, an Arboliva, a Blissey, a Porygon-Z, a Drampa, and a Braviary. If the trainer does beat me again, he/she will get access to the rest of the sections of the Safari Zone, which would be the grassland section, the volcanic field section, the glacier section, and the mountain section.

  • Preciza
    Preciza Member Posts: 53
    10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Likes First Answer

    Single battle format:

    Pigeot, Blissey, Snorlax, Hiusian Zoroark, Drampa, normal Tera Kommo-o

  • Hey_PIKMIN
    Hey_PIKMIN Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
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    Kanto Pidgeot, Raticate, Kanghaskan, Tauros, Snorlax (ACE)

    Sinnoh Bibarel, Ambipom, Blissey, Snorlax, Staraptor (ACE)

    Unova (Pre Cheren) Watchog, Sawsbuck, Boufalant, Braviary, Stoutland (ACE)

    Kalos Furret, Staraptor, Tauros, Ursaring, Snorlax (ACE)

    Galar Obsatgoon, Snorlax, Braviary, Ditto, GMAX Meowth (ACE)
    DLC Included Snorlax, Braviary, Dunceparce, Stoutland, GMAX Meowth (ACE)

  • Hey_PIKMIN
    Hey_PIKMIN Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
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    oh wait i typed this in the wrong my theme would be a grassy field with generic animal pokemon (based off of that one area in a link between worlds)

  • Hey_PIKMIN
    Hey_PIKMIN Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
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    The theme for my gym challenges are video games (weird that I typed this whilst a youtube channel I'm watching called domics said video games) so this would be based off of water levels more specifically mario

    you would enter and be rented a swimsuit which would allow you to swim on your own and your challenge would be to dive and swim as far as you can until you run out of air and have to go up you would then be spotted and challenged by a lifeguard

    upon re-entering after entering the hall of fame you would be given the swimsuit and wouldn't have to use surf and dive anymore but you would have to dive up every time you ran out of air or else a stronger wild pokemon would attack