(ignore my awful spelling)
the only way to get it for dex is the route before spikemouth (9 i think) from either fishing or random encounters
which one is the easiest/quickest?
help much appreciated
Best Answer
So, from what I saw, the highest odds are at Challenge Beach in the Isle of Armor, at 10% from fishing, second highest are at the Frigid Sea in the Crown Tundra, 5% from fishing, but if you don't have the DLC, it seems the only way is visible encounters in the tall grass in Route 9, at a 1% chance. Also note that it doesn't appear in the northernmost part of the route, only in Circhester Bay and Outer Spikemuth. Fortunately, though, because it's visible, you don't have to encounter every Pokémon until you find it. You can just ride back and forth until it appears. And given its size, it should be pretty obvious when it appears.
I've been jumpscared by one before.
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It just appeared before me. Huge wheel-anchor-ghost staring down at me.
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either way I've never gotten it by fishing so check the tall grass
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oh thanks i actually didnt know u could get it in isle of armor bc i was basing it off of a pre dlc guide book
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Dhelmise mention!
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This is how that video went: I walk down the slope in Route 9, whistle, walk to the shore and back, and to my left, Dhelmise appears, I whistle again while standing next to it (and an army of Bergmite) for a moment, then call a flying taxi to Hammerlocke because it scared me.
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You could always get someone who has sun/moon to trade it with ya.
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What about this: Dhelmise was introduced into Pokémon GO recently