What Pokémon do we all like to fight with?

there are many Pokemon games, and in each game there are other Pokemon. But can you name me three Pokemon in any games that you like battling with, and explain why?
Alakazam insanely OP in gen 1
Meowscarada same reason that @clasingla wrote
Tynamo, Eelektrik, and Eelektross) all lack any weaknesses
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i personally like Cinderace in Unite, Skarmory in POGO and Giratina in All gmaes that you can have Giratina
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Ogerpon- Hearthflame mask tera and Ivy Cudgel. Ivy Cudgel is such a satisfying move to spam for some reason.
Sylveon- Pixilate (all Normal type moves become fairy and get a boost to their power), plus Hyper Voice, and Choice Specs is fun, especially in Double Battles
I would name a third one but I haven't been playing Pokémon (or anything) that much recently, and my memory is awful.
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Since the national dex is no longer accessible in games anymore, it's impossible to use the same team every game. Not that it was usually possible until post-Pokémon League anyway.
In earlier games, I would often catch and use my old favourites when available. Sometimes that was your only option, as the pool of Pokémon wasn't that big yet. Especially in the early game.
But these days I have deliberately attempted to exclusively use new Pokémon, certainly for my first playthrough. I fell in love with some new favourites this way, like Mimikyu, Polteageist and Fidough.