Changes from typical story pokemon league gameplay

How would you lot intend to make revisions from the typical league gameplay system in the story?
My case, I would add a ninth badge to act as a core signifying fairness in which trainer will qualify for the league. In the anime, I saw gary go for ten badges and intend to go for an eleventh. Which is why I created a much fairer system.
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I feel that I would rather go for focusing on certain mechanics in each battle. There could be a water-type gym leader with a rain team to demonstrate weathers, a fire-type team with Scovillain (a grass-fire type) to demonstrate resistances and weaknesses (fire's weaknesses are weak to grass), a dragon-type gym leader that uses set-up moves, such as dragon dance, and much, much more with other mechanics, like abilities and held items, and possibly even with their interactions. Of course, some gym leaders already follow this, such as Raihan, yet it feels like game freak could do something more than just the simple teams that gym leaders usually have.
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The gym leaders (and league in general) could, and should, prepare the player for competitive play.
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Interesting, I would like to make the pokemon battles a bit more action based.
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@Tacolaser I would say 9 would make a lot more sense as 8 badges with a core badge will act as a more interesting turn of events.
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@MajorBrendan what do you mean by a "core badge"? How is it different from a regular gym badge?
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@puplover1118 The core badge aka the 9th badge act as a failsafe to authenticate that not only the 8 badges are properly earned but also be the extra prerequisite to qualify for the pokemon league.
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Isn't that what Victory Road, Mount Lanakila, and the first few rounds of the SwSh gym tournament pretty much were? Not sure what Paldea has though.