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A squad for people who are down to do tournaments and just have fun but remain active. AzraelsKingdom ID#T060F9YG
They only balance based on tournament popularity contest
I want to participate in Boss Rush and possibly tournaments, but I am the only member of my squad. I don’t really care about your skill level, because if you’re worse than me I can teach you and if you’re better I can learn from you. I’m currently ranked at Ultra as an Absol main. I play exclusively on my phone. I honestly…
How is it that i have a win rate of less than 55% 🤔
Please tell me how to do it I keep losing at the final stretch
it should be an speedster with lots of AOE stuns
Hello, I'm a player that comes back to Pokemon Unite. Last time I played was at the release of Zacian and rn I'm confused which Pokemon should I buy. I consider buying Noctali rn (bc he's my fav Eevolution)
I have espeon So it’s either glaceon leafeon umbreon Sylvion EEVEELUTIONS
Any ideas?? It's pretty much ruining the game and killing it...
why is it that attackers have Keats endurance when the whole stereotype of fast creatures is small and fragile? I mean who looks like he has more to ‘em a miriadion or a darkia?