Glitch in the Catch ‘Em event
Hi, not sure if it was already brought up but there is this purple stuff that appears on the base area and at the top of the top lane. They are like thick purple lines covering the spot where wild Aipom appears and the base area’s healing circle is also purple. It’s like the normal look isn’t there but it all still…
Countering Miraidon??
So with Miraidon being the newest Pokémon to enter Unite, has anyway picked up a way to counter his range? The longer you hold his charge beam the farther it goes, so you cant even run out of it. Playing a defender last night, and in the goal zone - I was defeated within seconds against him alone. Imagine fighting two or…
💔 Elemblems aren't working properly
The color bonus doesn't work. Please hot fix this
Did not get 10 000 aeos coins
I opened a unite license selection chest and had 8000 plus aeos coins and choose to obtained 10 000 aeos coins, after that the screen showed 10 000 obtained. After that the amount of aeos coins i had did not change
BUG REPORT - Mimikyu still freezing switch players
Latest patch told us that Mimikyu freezing switch players was fixed, but it was not. Still happening, also happening in other ocasions that i'll show on this post when they happen, i'll start to clip them and try to help timi fix this anoying bug. Also, Comfey ALWAYS freeze the first time it enters on a ally per match
Should I buy Scizor or Falinks
I’m so close to finishing waiting 14 days to get the rewards so I need to make an important decision
Bugs should be fixed faster
Where is the quality control. It shouldn't take moths for serious bugs to get fixed
Sableye Feint Attack Bug
Anytime an enemy Pokémon is being damaged by feint attack, it prevents the Sableye user from utilizing the launch pad. This bug hasn’t been fixed since Sableye release, and I’m sure it’s been shared before this post. Thank you for all your hard work!
Things I hate about Pokémon UNITE
The prices on some of the Pokémon are outrageous. You have a limit to how much coins you get in a week. Some players are being too toxic. The devs have not added any holowear that you can buy with holowear tickets in ages. The matchmaking process is so bad Btw there is a meme that says Pokémon fans love to complain…
Bug de la recherche de joueurs
Mon jeu rame tellement que lorsque je lance une partie mon jeu charge et après il indique " le salon a été fermé pour cause d'attente trop long "ou " vous avez été exclu du salon" et après il me met une restriction.