Friend code
Here is my friend code in case someone wants to friend me 6553-9569-0408-8534
I know the game has just released but Is there any partnership program or something like that?
some friends from Indian and I are creating a community about TCG Pocket, in this week We are almost 70 people in there! so we are curious about any partner program or something like that any idea?
waking from sleep
im sure a bunch will disagree like always…. i think if i put an enemy to sleep Multiple times in one turn (two hypno's both flipping heads) then they should have to flip 2 heads to wake up. using logic this is 2 different pokemon putting a "spell" on an enemy but they can just disregard one of those enemies by flipping…
Does anyone know if there's list of promo cards available in the new lapras event?
I've got the lapras ex card and various other, just not sure what other cards are available. TIA
Pikachu ex and Misty need to be nerfed
Pikachu-ex's Circle Circuit should be 3 energy to use. The turn you cast Misty, the pokemon should not be allowed to attack.
What are the common deck strategies
right now I’m currently using a custom mewdevoir deck and had pretty mixed results in Tcg difficulty I played a few this morning and won both matches so far I think my win rate is 3/5
Event Improvement
Bad thing about Venasaur Event is I can just build a fire deck that will own it. 4 Gym leaders that you dont know their typing until you fight.
Please add me
Friends forTCG Pocket
Hi guys I'm new please feel free to add me 😊 5271955807313637 <----- my code 🙏🏼🙏
Confusion About Flair
I've been playing for a few weeks now, and the flair system is confusing me… From what I understand, there's no reason to buy more than 2 of any flair for a specific card, because you can only have 2 of any card in one deck. You can also use one flair across multiple decks. For example: I have 2 Professor's Research, and 1…