Hourglass refresh once a month?!
The fact that they designed it to where the main currency of this game is hourglasses or wonder picks & you can only do so, so many times based on a time frame is a poor design. Ppl are gonna pay to win either way so if you dont make it fair for f2p players to catch up the majority will leave. Phone games arent console…
Exegg+Beedrill+Celebi? (Pocket)
I feel like the Beedrill Exegg deck might've gotten a nice boost in the form of Celebi. One of the main advantages of the deck is that the two attackers arent energy hungry really (not counting the retreat cost.) The main issue with the deck is that it has troubles closing out games with the two former mons. Celebi acting…
Serperior celebi interaction
What is it does it make celebi op or does it not care about celebi
New TCG Pocket "Mythical Island" set revealed
TCG Pocket Mythical Island expansion was revealed today (launches on December 17), it features over 80 cards… including 5 new Pokemon ex, 5 new Trainer cards, and also immersive cards. It looks like Aerodactyl ex (stage 1 fighting type) and Mew ex (basic psychic type) will be the main top cards of the set. I guess Mew ex…
Saving Hourglasses for Mythical Island
How many hourglasses do ya'll have saved for the new set?? I'm sitting on around 360 so I should be able to do 3 ten-pulls! Hoping to hit the ground running with some new deck ideas once we see all the cards!!
Cards suggestions/fanmade
I propose to share here the cards you'd like to see, or would have created if you had the chance. It might give the developers some ideas 😄 Any energy symbol is written with two parenthesis and it's 1st letter in capital. Water (W),Grass (G), Fire (F), Lightning (L), Colorless (C), Steel (S), Dark (D), Dragon (Dg) Here are…
No Battle Tasks Rewards
Does anyone know if there is a limit in collecting rewards from battle tasks? Since I played for about 10 hours straight yesterday trying to get the Venusaur five in a row challenge completed and getting the “Thanks” but cannot claim them and now today I cannot claim the rewards from Battle Tasks. Is there a limit?
For a steel type deck, should I
Should I run two Sabrina or two Potion? I'm not losing sleep because of this question but I was wondering where you stood on this.
Anybody help against mewtwo EX Gardevoir?!
Like the title says, need help against this spammed deck. I use a executor ex deck. But it's a mix vileplumeX1,executorX2, EX ExecutorX1, but can't seem to get to the Gardevoir even with x2 Sabrina's. :(
Different ways of buying gold?
Is there any other way which I can buy gold which doesn’t go through the AppStore, e.g supercell.store for supercell games?