Event shop tickets expiration
Recommendation to PTCGCo — I've bought everything I can from the Meowth Wonder Pick special event store but still have 25 event shop tickets left. Would be nice to get something for those instead of them just expiring tomorrow. Even if not a lot. As it is, it feels kind of bad.
Why does nobody use fighting type decks
any fighting type enthusiasts? My first EX was fighting
What has been your favorite or rarest pull so far?
I subscribed to the premium battle pass, so I've been opening up 3 packs a day. I was very fortunate to pull the Mewtwo animation EX card. My favorite artwork pull so far though has been the: Dragonite EX Please share yours!
Energy Ramp, Love or Hate?
Kinda curious on how others feel about this (esp after my fourth consecutive match against a mewtwo ex/ gardevoir deck). Energy ramp is a general term to describe gaining more energy/resources than the normal mechanics allow. This is mostly enabled by Gardevoir, Moltres EX, and Misty (lt surge dosent count because it…
Code redemption
Hi, I was wondering if there is any way to redeem a code from a physical booster pack?
God pack
Hey so I pulled a pack earlier with 5 full arts, 3 of which were ex's. Is this just luck or should everyone expect a pack like this at sone stage?
A Place to Share Your Decks
With the many, many, many different decks out there (most of them not free 2 play…), I want this to be a place where people can share their decks for feedback, inspiration, or for the fun of it! Free 2 play decks and competitive decks are both welcome. Here's one of my decks, for instance: Vaporeon x1 Jolteon x1 Dratini x2…
Best deck 2
The best deck? It’s a tough choice! I would actually nominate the following: Mewdevior ex (mewtwo ex & gardevior, credits @clasingla) How it works: Gardevior’s ability gives one more psychic energy to Mewtwo ex, to boost power blast (120 attack points) while Gardy is on the bench. Must evolve from Ralts-Kirlia to unlock…
Do daily booster packs stack or disappear?
If I was to not log in for 4 days (example), would I still get the 2 daily booster packs from each day making it 8 booster packs when I logged back in, or do they disappear and stay at 2 packs regardless? Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
—Issue Solved—