Wishlist Notification Feature for Wonder Pick Availability
I propose adding an option to receive a notification when a card on our Wishlist becomes available for Wonder Pick. This feature would: • Allow players to stay updated on high-priority cards without manually checking. • Enhance user experience by providing timely alerts for Wishlist items. • Boost engagement with the…
Multi-type deck energy bug
I created a deck with two energy types. Instead of swapping between the energies, it was random and made it impossible for me to use my pokemon in the fight, so I just lost. The random energy is not predictable so I can't make a deck with it, and that really sucks
[Bug] Thunder Spear Zebrastrike interaction
Thunder Spear ability from Zebrastrike does not interact with Giovanni or +Weakness damage when used on Benched Staryu
[Bug] Opposing turn never ends despite exceeding turn timer
Multiple games during this streak event where I'm about to win the game on the following turn, the opponent AFKs, but the turn timer never ends. I then get told this was a connection issue on my end when I finally concede (after 5min or so of waiting). This hasn't happened to me outside of the event, so I assume this is…
New energy system
We all know how annoying it can be to wait for RNG to get the energy type we need. Players are forced to play a single energy deck and perhaps can be flexible upto 2 energy further increasing the RNG of the game. I would like to recommend a change in the energy system to fix this issue. Perhaps we can have an option to…
Pick Wonder Event Bug 🐛
i Got one Magnemite from Pick Wonder event (the FREE one of event, with only one card) but i got normal Magnemite instead Event one. MMy friend ID 6138-6239-9652-3023 Bug happen today 06 Dec 2024. I dont open Pack or Wonder Pick after that. Could you please check it, devs ?!
No-EX battle format, please!
EX pokemon (specifically basic and stage 1) are ruining my pvp experience. They are so overpowered compared to other cards, that it feels like we must play with them and the matches are decided within the first 3 rounds, leaving little (or no) room for strategy or creativity - a.k.a. FUN! Short list of most problematic /…
is there any other way to get premium shop tickets?
I got the free trial of premium and bought all of the mewtwo items except the playmates. I completed all of the premium missions and I am 1 credit short of getting all of the mewtwo items. Is there going to be any other way to get premium shop tickets this month?
Samsung A13 incompatible
Please add comptability on Samsung A13
Matchmaking issues
So, after a few days playing I get enough cards to put together a not very good, but at least functional deck other than the one you start with. No EXes, mostly filler cards, but the important part, the core of Lapras and Misty is there so I decide to give some PVP a try. I go to the PVP section and see that I can choose…