Boom Boom Groove Usable After Canceling Cologne
You can use Canceling Cologne to get rid of the Active Pokemon's ability Festival Lead, but Boom Boom Groove can still be used as if the Active Pokemon still had Festival Lead.
Daily Quest Timers Not working
Since starting the TCG game on iPhone/iOS I’ve noticed the timers on daily quests in the battle pass area do not work at all. The quests do pop back up after 24 hours, but the timers just constantly say {0}H {1}M. Anyone else experiencing this issue on iPhone or other devices such as desktop or iPad/tablet?
Ditto Can't Be Played
Putting Ditto onto the field totally stops play, regardless of if it's put in from the deck, hand or discard pile. It also does not matter if there are other Pokemon for it to copy the attack of, or not. Once on the field the game stops, and you are unable to make any other actions even ending your turn.
Deck search bug
When searching deck for whatever reason be it an item or an ability I occasionally get a bug where the UI for the deck search is broken and just shows the bottom and the rest is not loaded in. I must then wait until it passes (through inactivity timer) and can't play items or search my deck for the rest of the match.
Absolutely Game Breaking Bug
Apparently opponents can now show as "disconnected," which forces your client to attempt to reconnect and forfeits multiple turns. I played tonight and my game log skipped from turn 4 to turn 6 after the log mentioned that my opponent disconnected and proceeded to lose a game I otherwise had in hand. Unacceptably terrible…
Great Tusk Still doesnt work with no cards in deck
So this bug still hasn't been patched at all apparently. Was playing great tusk mill against a raging bolt deck. I had one card left in deck and opponent had four. I had Professor Sada's Vitality. Pretty much, i won the game. I drew the card of the Professor so i had no card left in deck. But my opponent would have to mill…
Why are my turns being skipped?
I noticed on certain games when I’m going to win, for some reason, my turn will be skipped. This causes me to lose the game and is frustrating. It doesn’t happen during setup or mid-game or if I’m losing. It only happens when the person would need two turns in a row to win…. Is this a coincidence or cheating?
Absolutely nothing transferred during migration
So I've just joined TCG Live, but I've been playing TCG Online for years. I've been out of playing for a while, but I've finally decided to try out the updated TCG game. Upon logging in, it gave me the option to migrate my data. I assumed this included my card collection, my redeemed decks, my accessories, etc. However…
Jamming tower-Hero's cape bug
Jamming tower doesn't stop Hero's cape from working. The pokémon still has 100 HP extra. Its not only a visual bug because when I attacked it, it should have died but it didn't.
Dialga VSTAR Star Chronos appears to not skip checkup
Just played a game of dialga against the new froslass that places damage counters on pokemon with abilities during pokemon checkup. STAR Chronos says "(Skip Pokemon Checkup)" as you go to take your extra turn, but damage counters were still placed between the two turns.