Torracat 'Gritty Claws' attack

Torracat (SIT #031) 'Gritty Claws' attack does not work as intended ever since the latest game update. It is supposed to keep Incineroar or Incineroar ex alive with 10 HP left, if Incineroar or Incineroar ex has full HP and is attacked with enough damage to knock it out. Instead, we have this:
" YouYongWuMou attached Basic Fire Energy to Incineroar in the Active Spot.
YouYongWuMou's Incineroar used Secret Attack on mjohnston’s Arceus VSTAR for 40 damage.
- YouYongWuMou chose Gritty Claws
Turn # 9 - mjohnston's Turn
mjohnston drew a card.
mjohnston played Grand Tree.
- mjohnston shuffled their deck.
mjohnston's Arceus VSTAR used Trinity Nova on YouYongWuMou’s Incineroar for 200 damage. - mjohnston shuffled their deck.
YouYongWuMou's Incineroar was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from YouYongWuMou's Incineroar.
• Basic Fire Energy, Torracat, Litten "
Before anyone asks, yes, Incineroar had full HP before it was attacked. Is this a bug, or am i missing something ?
Thanks for sharing your concern, @YouYongWuMou. We recommend getting in contact with our support team so they can take a look into this report. All you have to do is submit a ticket and include all details, screenshots, etc. Please go to, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact Us." Thanks!