Pokemon TCG Live is a awful app after coming from Pocket
After getting into the TCG game after playing Pocket, new player to the game! When will Pokemon Company actually give this app a complete makeover, to a point where it's more inline with Pocket? It'd be nice if the card games functioned more similarly to Pocket, in terms of UI interactions with the traditional PTCG rules.…
Keep crashing on Android phones.
Starting Dec 13 morning PST, the app kept crashing. Steps: 1. Open the app. 2. The app crashes. Crash log: Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 1 (BUS_ADRALN), fault addr 0x0000000400000003 signal 7 (SIGBUS) Symbolise Stack Build fingerprint: 'google/comet/comet:15/BP1A.241206.003/12760966:userdebug/dev-keys' Revision: 'PVT1.0'…
Avatar mute option
please add an option to mute in game emotes and just everything to do with the avatars. Emote spamming is really annoying and the long animation at the end of games is just pointless. It would just be cool if we had the option to turn that stuff off
Daily quest rewards - still coins?
My daily quests still show coins as a reward. I receive the 45 advertised crystals, but the coins are lost and not converted. Is this intentional or a bug since coins aren't part of the game any more?
Is there a fix to error 10099?
I just installed on PC yesterday was hoping to try it out but always get the error message trying to join the servers
SUGGESTION additional information on stats.
Could we get an update to the stat page that would display info such as: Last Month's ELO rank Highest ELO Most Played Card Join Date Players such as myself love to see as much of their accounts stats as they can to get an overall idea on their personal ability…. And some personal clout of how long they have been playing 🤣
Lost Booster Packs?
I redeemed a couple of online codes that came included with some packs I purchased. Once I entered all the codes I selected collect all. As it was loading the game restarted due to connection issues, but once loaded back in all my booster cards were gone. I checked my gallery and saw no new Pokemon cards, is there any way…
I cannot login
Hello there, I installed the game yesterday morning on Android but I cannot login. When trying to login, I type in my username and password and press the login button. After this the login button greys out for a few seconds and then my username and password gets cleared from the text boxes. My wife is having the same issue…
Booster Pack Redeem Cards Not Working
I purchased some booster packs of thr Paldea Evolved set today and I am scanning the QR codes to redeem but none of them are working. Usually, when I scan them it immediately comes up to collect but it just says "Code Invalid" after about 30 seconds. Can anyone help with this issue?
Conceding should be penalized
I play pretty much every day and I enjoy this game quite a bit but the one thing that really irks me is that people concede a LOT. I get it when you get a crappy starting hand and you can't seem to build up your team but not when the opponent is slow. Not everyone is as fast as you so quit being so goddamn impatient! But…