Importing decks dose not work + other bugs

So, I finally transferred over (not like I had a choice) I went and saved all my decks on a spread sheet from PTCGO, however when I went to import them in PCGL, I keep getting the error that I don’t have some of the cards, or certain cards do not exist. I know for a fact that I had all the cards needed for the deck on PTCGO but on live I'm missing a decent bulk of them.
As the game stands now, it is nearly un playable with the incredibly slow loading times between tabs anywhere in the game the constant crashes, and bugs that include but not limited to:
Game not allowing me to click the necessary button to continue the tutorial forcing me to force quit the game 3 times before it finally let me finish the forced tutorial (despite clicking the I know what I'm doing button)
Endless bugs in matchups, I don’t need to go into them here as others have discussed these in great detail already.
Swapping between Pokémon, trainer and energy tabs in deck builder locks up the game.
Same in character creator. (Also lack of any Hight, gender, weight or facial feature customization is really off-putting)
Tho I doubt any staff member actually reads these bug reports and issues, it would be great if they can be fixes asap especially now that they have killed and no doubt deleted all files retaining to the old game that was actually stable and working.
I just hope that they do not shut down any fan made PTCG Programs that come out as I think they can work nicely beside the main game, need an example let’s look at Yu Gi Oh Master dule and YGO pro, Master dule is what Live needs to be and pro is the fan made game that allows players to test out decks before spending the Time/Gems/Money to actually buy the cards.
Another feature that Live really needs is Past Formats, so a format for each of the Generations of cards.
eg. Black and white, X & Y, Sun and Moon, Sword and Shield, Scarlet and Violet era cards only formats, also setting the gameplay rule sets based on when those generations where in standard so for B&W->S&M should have the supporter cards ruling from back then allowing for first turn supporters, where SW&SH->S&V keep the current supporter rules in there respected formats.
This also opens up the opportunity to bring back Older Sets Like HG&SS and even Older via the use of gems we can get legacy packs and play them in their own legacy formats. good way for the next generation of players to experience something they would normally never be able to. (And I would Love to play Delta species again)
Regards a long time player and fan of things that work