Search Bug and Pokéstop
Hello, Playing on PC I often have a weird bug where every deck search can't select anything, I have the card selection screen but all the cards are blank, And I'm either force to wait and sometime a random card is taken, I time out or I cancel my search and nothing happens. It is usually caused by card interactions but…
Flamigo Paldea Evolved
I was playing on Live recently, on turn 1, and played Flamigo from Paldea Evolved (the United Wings one). When I activated Insta-Flock, something weird happened. There were three Flamigos in the deck, but for some reason, I couldn't click on them. I clicked on the option to view the other cards in my deck, and I could…
bug energy sticker
my game freezes when i get Eregy sticker from draw search or any way. how do i fix this or do i need to wait for more updates?
Earthen vessel bug
Had a bug today during a game when searching for 2 basic energy it wouldnt let me select any metal energy, only psychic. No matter how differenlty i clicked around only 2 psychic were able to be chosen
Searching cards show blank dimmed screen
Was playing a game and using ultra ball opened up a blank deck screen that showed only the tabs for valid and show all but no cards to see or select. The same thing happened later in the same game with Earthern Vessel, just a blank screen, not letting me select any basic energies from my deck and was forced to wait until…
Black Market Stadium
I've just been playing some "Expanded Beta" with Eternatus VMAX and my opponent knocked out my Eternatus VMAX while Black Market was in play. My Eternatus had a Dark Energy attached, and my opponent took 3 prize cards.
Arceus VStar stuck floating -- KO trigger bug?
Has anybody else had the Elekid Bug??
Just wondering, has anyone else had the bug that i keep getting with Elekid? Where when u use its Crackling Shot attack, on a benched pokemon it has the protect animation when they have nothing that would protect the bench It's lost me like five games sofar, and at the minit its making the resauses i used to craft my…
Dark Rai Vstar ability not working?
There is no stadium in play or anything to restrict the ability but still cant use it during my turn?
Bird keeper bug
I played the card Bird Keeper and the game wouldn’t move forward on my turn. It wouldn’t allow me to switch my pokemon and it got stuck.