Xatu Clairvoyant Sense Bug
When you use Xatu's ability with 1 or no cards on the deck the game bugs and you can't even pick the last card you have. The turn choices freezes except for the weird thing that I was able to press "retreat" my active pokemon with no success. The only way to unfreeze is let timer end or surrender which means you lose the…
Greninja V-union freeze when picking last price cards
Hi there, I've been experiencing the game to freeze when I about to pick my last priced card(s) after I knocked out my opponets pokemon with my Greninja V-union. But it isn't a consistent freeze. Once I knocked out 4 benched pokemon (single price card pokemons) it went fine to pick the last price cards. Last time the…
knocked out before checkup stage / poison interaction error?
If a pokemon receives enough damage to get knocked out from an attack, but that attack poison's them. shouldn't they be knocked out before poison damage applies? Where I found this bug specifically- Toxicroak ex' attack killed 2 different mons and then the poison damage applied tho wasn't needed for the knock out. I had…
JolteonV first attack does not affect benched pokemon
Few times i moved 20 damage to benchmark pokemon and it does not obtain any damage.
Confusion not working on Mewtwo & Mew GX properly
If Mewtwo & Mew GX flips tails on an attack while being confused, it takes 30 damage but also attacks the opponent.
TM cards + Confusion bug?
My opponent was confused with a TM:Devolution attached and the necessary energy. When they attacked they flipped TAILS. They took 30 damage, the TM was discarded, but two of my evolution Pokemon were still sent back to my hand. I believe this is a bug, the attack should have never happened with the TAILS flip.
Auto force lose
Opponent used Irida and search through deck, no timer on search so I wait. 1 min left for opponent and it does a weird reconnect and says I was inactive for too long when I'm the one waiting there giving me the lose.
stuck at 8/41 after new update
3 months now since I played pokemon live... Windows user, just completed the latest update, prior to this, I had issues stuck at 7/40. Now, I cannot get past 8/41 "loading data from server. Things I have tried: unistall live--no success Tried on mobile phone--that works Tested ISP connection--all fine and fast. What can I…
Game keeps crashing while loading
As soon as I get past 37 in loading the game crashes. I'm trying to play on mobile.
Are there no alternate art cards in live? Also did only standard format transfer from ptcgo?
I am missing literally thousands of cards. Basically anything that is out of standard format is just gone. Also I only have one of each energy? How can I build a deck like this?