Scizor (Obsidian Flames) damage glitch?

Was recently playing against a Scizor (Obsidian Flames, full art) and somehow it was doing more damage than it should have been able to. Not sure if it was a form of cheating, nothing else the player was doing seemed wrong.
The attack "Punishing Scissors" was doing up to 220 damage somehow? There were no other damage boosting cards in play. I only had 1 Pokemon in play with an ability, so it should have capped at 60 without other cards. The damage increased every time it was used. Cost me the game smh.
@TechHog Doesn't take 2600 posts to tell it's my first time here. Your post doesn't have enough information to be helpful to a noob. I don't know what a game log is and I don't know how to post it. If you're going to critique, you should really take your own advice and provide some helpful info. I posted a much info as I would know how. Peace out