Introduce Pauper Format?
There simply are not enough ways to play this game. Right now you have a choice between facing a Lugia Vstar deck in competitive or swinging over to casual Standard to face a Lugia Vstar deck. Is there any reason there is no pauper format available (Ie a game mode where only common and uncommon cards are allowed, excluding…
This games just no fun anymore
Silver Tempest has ruined the fun for me, you either play a lugia counter and get destroyed by every other decent deck or play a decent deck and get destroyed by lugia. I COULD play Lugia but then that's the problem. It seems Lugia is so OP that it forces everybody to play Lugia. Decks like Palkia are just getting…
It must be nice to be allowed to post on this site.
Hey moderator: what gives? Is there any reason I cannot post anything?
Please Open a channel back to PTCGO. Thank you
Live is basically unplayable. Many cards have bugs. We are players, not testers!!! The most frustrating thing is that I will never be able to go back to PTCGO.😥 Please Open a channel back to PTCGO. All the cards got from Live can be removed. Thank you!
Can I buy digital Pokémon cards to use within TPC trading card game?
Are there in game purchases within the trading card game I access from my PC?
Does anyone think it would be good if there was tournaments you could enter with rewards for whatever stage you went out at instead of waiting a lifetime for daily quest and monthly rankings to end to get rewarded?
New play mode suggestion for young beginners
I would like to suggest another play mode besides Ranked and Casual. One for young beginners. I have a 7 year old daughter getting into pokemon tcg and so far loves playing with her V battle decks. I let her try PTCG Live and she keeps getting frustrated with the timer. She is trying to read the cards, figure out what they…
Question about Champions Festival migration
I have a question about the migration of Champions Festival cards. For earlier versions in PTCGO there are different cards for each language. But i saw only the english ones in TCG live. So i am wondering how these will be migrated. Will they all turn into the language you client is set to?
Match making
It seems match making is based on what's in your deck not how many matches you win. I took all my vs out to beat the V decks out there and now I no longer play against other people with Vs in their deck. Would be nice to know these things before spending in game currency on cards... Anyone else see this issue as well?